Monday, April 20, 2020

CALIF HASNT HAD A FREE WHEELING TIE -DYE ENVIRONMENT IN DECADES . IT IS ALL VERY CAREFULLY CONTROLLED ..from every beach having lifeguards to motorcycle helmets required & the list goes on..."...

 CALIF HASNT HAD A FREE WHEELING TIE -DYE ENVIRONMENT IN DECADES . IT IS ALL VERY CAREFULLY CONTROLLED  ..from every beach having lifeguards to motorcycle helmets required & the list goes on..."Californians complying, but for how long? – We Americans, and we Californians particularly, relish personal freedom to, as the Hippie-era slogan says, "do our own thing." Unlike citizens of other countries who may be accustomed to complying with authoritarian commands, such as those in China, we naturally bridle when told we must do things we don't want to do..."